November 4th-8th

Kindergarten News

Penny Wars will run from Nov. 4th- Nov. 15th. Pennies & dollars add to classroom points. All silver coins subtract points from any classroom. The class with the most points earns a Pizza Party!

Starting this week, Kindergarten will be allowed to purchase ice cream on Thursdays. All ice cream will cost $1. They will serve Birthday Cake & Cotton Candy ice cream & Cherry & Blue Razz Ice. Packers are permitted to buy ice cream. Students cannot buy ice cream if they have a negative balance on their lunch account.  

This Week's Specials
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Gym (sneakers)
Wednesday: Computers
Thursday: Music
Friday: Art

Important Dates
November 4th- PTO Meeting @ 6:30
November 6th- Rolling Macaroni Orders Due
November 8th- Report Cards sent home
November 11th- No School- Act 80 Day
November 14th- Rolling Macaroni Fundraiser Pick up 4-7pm
November 15th- $1 Dress Down 

This Week's Academics
Story: A Bed For Winter
Essential Question: What kind of home does an animal need?
Genre: Informational Text
Letter Recognition: /i/ spelled Ii
Phonological Awareness: Initial & medial /i/ 
Text Based Comprehension: Sequence

Topic: Numbers 11-20
Essential Question: How do we read, write & represent whole numbers from 0-20 without objects or pictures
Vocab: Numeral, Count, Ten Frame

Weekly Theme