October 28th-November 1st

Kindergarten News

Please send in $5 Party Money with your child as soon as possible.

Your child will be bringing home a packet of assessments that we have been working on this marking period, on Monday. Please sign the packet & return to school with your child. 

Thursday will be our Halloween Party. Please send your child's costume to school in a bag labeled with their name if they are participating. Costumes cannot be worn to school. 

This Week's Specials
Monday: Music
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Gym (sneakers)
Thursday: Library
Friday: Music

Important Dates
October 29th- Sparty's Halloween Party @ 6-8 pm
October 31st- NSE Halloween Party
November 4th- PTO Meeting @ 6:30
November 8th- Report Cards sent home
November 11th- No School- Act 80 Day

This Week's Academics
Story: Bear Snores On
Essential Question: What unique thing does a bear do in the winter?
Genre: Animal Fantasy
Letter Recognition: /k/ spelled Cc
Phonological Awareness: Initial & final /k/ 
Text Based Comprehension: Realism & Fantasy

Topic: Numbers 11-20
Essential Question: How do we read, write & represent whole numbers from 0-20 without objects or pictures
Vocab: Numeral, Count, Ten Frame

Weekly Theme